I know you.

Recently I was in a sports bar having dinner. Across the aisle a couple of families sat at a long table, maybe sixteen of them. As I got comfortable in my seat a toddler of about three looked at me from across the table and shouted
"I know you!"
I looked back at the little cherub and told her I knew. We looked at each other eye to eye and my heart grew warm. She shouted again, "I know you!" Again I told her I knew she did. There was so much to say to her or learn from her but I couldn’t distract the family any more than she had already done.
How is it you think you know someone so well when you just saw them across the room and you are three?
How is it you think you know someone you have been with for days or weeks or years?
I have a cutesy saying; you’re everyone you ever loved.
I think that means that the things you like best in others are part of who you are.
You like the way a person laughs, or looks at you or makes you feel welcome. Seems like laughing, looking, trusting is almost always a two way street. So this brings me to the point. When that little girl said she knew me I really wanted to know who she knew so well. Who was that person she saw from her past?

I wish I knew.
